The Second International Ultra-Wideband and Ultra-Short Impulse Signals Workshop (UWBUSIS’04)
was held in the historical city of Sevastopol, in Ukraine, from September 19 to 22, 2004. It was a very interesting and informative meeting for scientists and researchers from different countries. The geography of participants attended the workshop was significantly extended in comparison with the first UWBUSIS’02 workshop. The information about the first UWBUSIS’02 workshop’ can be found in the December, 2002, issue of the Magazine (pp. 92-94). The 2004 workshop attracted more than 100 participants from the USA,Austria, the Netherlands, Turkey, Ireland, Lithuania, China, Denmark, Mexico, Russia, and Ukraine. The workshop was organized under the direction of Prof. Nikolay Ko1chigin from Kharkov National University (named after V. N. Karazin), and Prof. Yakov Shifrin from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. The organization of the UWBUSIS’04 workshop was fulfilled by V. N. Karazin of Kharkov National University, and by the following co-sponsoring organizations: IEEE APfCIEMC/SP Kharkiv Joint Chapter of Ukraine Section, Ukrainian URSI Committee, Radio Astronomy Institute of NASU, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of NASU, Sevastopol National Technical University, and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. The papers of the workshop participants were included into the Proceedings of the UWBUSIS’04, which was perfectly and professionally formed. The Proceedings included 86 papers in 304 pages. The UWBUSIS ’04 workshop was organized into a plenary session of invited papers and three parallel sessions of contributed papers. The working day began with a plenary session of five presentations by invited speakers, and then, after a coffee break, three paraliel sessions started their work.

The contributed papers were presented in English, or in Russian with English translation for a few participants who did not speak Russian. In the plenary sessions, the scientists were able to listen to the brilliant reports of the famous specialists in the range of ultra-wideband signals and in adjacent areas, namely, Dr. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Carl E. Baum (USA), Prof. Ali Baghai-Wadji (Austria), Dr. Dave V. Girl (USA), Prof.A. L. Gutman (USA), Prof. Igor J. Imoreev (Russia), Prof. A. S.IIlinski (Russia), Prof. A. F. Kardo-Sysoev (Russia), Prof. Victor F. Kravchenko (Russia), Dr. Genadiy P. Pochanin (Ukraine), Prof. Yakov D. Shinnan (Ukraine), and Prof. Felix J. Yanovsky (Ukraine). The first plenary session was opened with a report by Carl BaulJl from the Air FOfc;e Research Laboratory of the United States on the theme, «Differential Switched Oscillators and Associated Antennas» (Figure 1) . The program committee chose the main directions of investigations and divided all reports into the following sections:
- Theoretical, Investigations, Numerical Simulations
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Applications (Communication, Radar, GPR, Medicine)
- Generation, Radiation and Reception of Short pulses
- Electromagnetic Metrology, Propagation and Scattering in
- Natural and Artificial Materials.
Every day, we listened to many interesting reports, which caused active discussions. As for our opinion, $e most interesting direction at the UWBUSUS worksliop was high-power electromagnetic-pulse radiation, as exemplified by the added presentation by Dr. Giri on the JOLT high-power impulse radiator.Many ofthe presentations stimulated wide-ranging questions. After lunch, the discussions were continued in an infonnal atmos phere (Figures 2-4). In addition to the scientific program of the workshop, the Orgallizing committee arranged a lively cultural program (Figure 5). The welcoming party and banquet were organized to bring all the participants together in a relaxed, friendly, and warm atmosphere (figures 6 and 7). The participants had the opportunity to introduce themselves, to arrange very important scientific contacts, and to discuss problems of mutual interest.

The workshop was organized on the territory of the «Stroitel» health resort, which is situated near the ancient historical place named Chersonesos. It was veryconvenienfthat participants lived and worked in the same place. The campuses for living were near the workshop venue.
During the break in the workshop day and after it, the participants had the opportunity to enjoy·the beauty of the Black Sea, to walk around the ancient Chersonesos city, and to attend the excursions. Bus tours to attend the diorama «Storm of Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944» and to see the Sevastopol city. were also arranged for participants. The yacht trip showed participants the Sevastopo!’s beautiful sights, the production factory of. Soviet submarines, and the big monUl;nent «The Dead Ships.».
The poster presentations were organized in the open air on the seashore (Figure 8). The people from the Organizing Committee made many experiments concerning how to place the posters on the stone wall, which surrounded the beach. After the poster session, some participants exhibited the operation of some devices. Participants V. Prokhorenko, V. Ivashchuk, and S. Korsun from. VIY Transient Technologies (Kiev, Ukraine) were able to show the operation of the VIY-2 Ground Penetrating Radar (Figure 9). A lot of young scientists took part in the enthusiastic discus-
sions during the symposium. The organizers are very thankful to the sponsoring organizations, which ·make a great contribution to the success of the UWBUSIS workshop. The European Office of Aerospace Research and Development of the USAF, IEEE AP-S, ·the State Scientific Research Institute of Radar Systems, «Kvant-radiolokatsia» (Kiev), Radio Astronomy Institute of NASU, and Ukrainian Science Academy SMF «Institute of Automatic System» were sponsors of the UWBUSIS 2004 workshop. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all members of program and local organizing committee for organizing such a successful meeting with·a high level of technical content, exciting scientific interaction, and an impressive cultural program. The Organizing Committee ran every aspect of this symposium: the organization of technical sessions, the design and publication of the proceedings, arrangements for local transportation for participants coming from outside the Ukraine (meeting foreign participants at the Kiev airport and escorting them to Sevastopol by Alexander(Sasha) Butryn, an excellent translator), and the organization of the social program.
Prof. Nikolay Kolchigin and Prof. Yakov Shifrin